Progessions Standards

Any student who fails to meet the academic and clinical standards set forth below will be subject to academic or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program following the completion of the Automatic Review Process described in Section 3. (Refer also to IHP Catalogue: Academic and Disciplinary Actions). 


  1. A second failure to achieve the Minimum Passing Grade in a course. A course may only be repeated one time. If a student repeats a course, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only the second grade will be considered in determining GPA
  2. Failure to achieve the Minimum Passing Grade in two courses in the same semester.
  3. Failure to achieve the Minimum Passing Grade in three separate courses. 
  4. Failure to regain a 3.0 GPA by the end of the second consecutive semester. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning. The student must regain a 3.0 GPA by the end of the following semester.
  5. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the Code of Professional Behavior for Students.
  6. Failure to meet the IHP/SON immunization, OSHA, HIPAA, CPR, and any other clinical placement requirements.


Students who demonstrate unsafe clinical practice will be suspended from the program immediately. “Unsafe clinical practice is behavior that places the client or staff in either physical or emotional jeopardy. Physical jeopardy is the risk of causing physical harm. Emotional jeopardy means that the student creates an environment of anxiety or distress which puts the client or family at risk for emotional or psychological harm. Unsafe clinical practice is an occurrence or pattern of behavior involving unacceptable risk.”

Scanlan, J., Care, WD, & Gessler, S. (2001). Dealing with the unsafe student in clinical practice. Nurse Educator, 26(1), 33-38.