Mentored Experience in Research
During each of the summers of Years 1 and 2, all students complete a Mentored Experience in Research (RS-970, 3 credits), which involves working on research project(s) under the direction of the Research Mentor. In preparation for the summer term, students and research mentors develop Mentored Experience in Research objectives (goals) and expected deliverables and submit these to the Associate Director/Director via Formstack. It is expected that the objectives will reflect or be aligned with the general research area/direction that the student is planning to pursue for their dissertation. The summer work schedule should be negotiated with the Research Mentor. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 240 research hours, equivalent to 20 hours per week of mentored research across a 15-week term. At the end of the summer term, Research Mentors are asked to report the students’ progress toward research objectives and provide a grade (Pass/Fail) to the Associate Director/Director. Mentored Experience in Research objectives and the work associated with meeting objectives are distinct from Independent Studies (RS-990). Objectives for these two credit courses do not overlap.