10.1 Electronic Mail (Email)

E-mail is a primary mode of professional communication.  Each student will receive an IHP email address.  Students are responsible for checking their IHP email daily, on business days. The IHP address will be the only email address used by faculty and administration to communicate with the student.  Students may expect a faculty member to respond within 72 business hours of an email communication, except in circumstances when the faculty member is out of the office.  The faculty member will then identify a contact person for inquiries that require an immediate response.


It is expected that students take initiative and professional responsibility to read and respond to email from faculty, staff, and supervisors within 24-72 hours, depending on the urgency of the topic. Students are expected to communicate ASAP regarding the following topics: absences from class or fieldwork, late assignments, etc.


Please note that e-mail is the best method of communication to reach faculty and staff.  In 2022, remote working is still prevalent, so faculty/staff may not have direct access to their office phone line and/or be working in their office every day.  Faculty and staff are generally intentionally on-campus days when students have courses.