Health Care Data Analytics - GC Curriculum

For classes entering in prior years:

Please select the catalog year (your year of entry) in the drop-down menu to the right. Then use the navigation to choose your specific curriculum.

If you attended prior to 2007-2008 and require a copy of your curriculum, please contact the Registrar's Office at

Course of Study

15 Total Credits

Note: These courses must be taken sequentially which means a student can only start this certificate in the Fall.

Required Courses

Courses must be taken sequentially.
DA 620Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 620


DA 720Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 720


DA 821Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 821


DA 822Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 822


DA 823Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 823


Total Credit Hours:15