a. Documentation

The candidate’s electronic portfolio should include the components below. Items 1-5 are provided to the Academic Unit Leader or Designee [1] (AUL/D) by the candidate; items in 6a-6c are subsequently added by the AUL/D and dean (if relevant):

1. A letter of intent that specifies:

  • Current rank and time since initial appointment (or last promotion review)

  • Selected area(s) of impact

2. A completed Self-Evaluation for Promotion document using the template provided on the Office of the Provost Vitals page.

3. Curriculum vitae formatted using template provided on the Office of the Provost Vitals page.

4. No more than four exemplars of scholarly work demonstrating compliance with the Criteria and Examples for Appointment and Promotion

5. A letter of support from one professional colleague, either within or outside the MGH Institute. The colleague may be of any rank or discipline, but may not be a potential external reviewer. The colleague should speak to your scholarship, teaching, and/or service and be someone with whom you have collaborated, co-taught or received formal peer review for teaching or served on a professional committee, task force, board, etc.

6. Letters of evaluation from the following reviewers addressing the extent to which the candidate meets the criteria for promotion:

  • Three external reviewers (for associate professor and professor ranks—see External Review Procedure)

  • The AUL. This letter should evaluate the impact of the candidate’s contributions in the context of their responsibilities within the department/school/center, as well as within their respective scholarly fields. The AUL may identify a designee to provide this letter and/or oversee AUL responsibilities related to the procedures for promotion.

  • The dean (if AUL is not the dean)

Candidates may include additional materials that provide a unique perspective on how they meet the criteria for promotion. The committee reserves the right to request additional documentation from the candidate and to exclude materials not clearly linked to the promotion criteria.

[1] The Academic Unit Leader (AUL) is the academic leader responsible for overseeing the scholarly progress of the candidate. In the School of Nursing, the AUL is the dean or program director. In SHRS and SHL, the AUL is the department chair or program director.