5-2 General Rules

Each standing committee of the Faculty Senate shall meet as needed during the academic year to conduct the business of the Faculty Senate with which it has been charged.

  • Committee chairs shall be elected by the committee members each year. Committee chairs shall call meetings, preside at meetings, report to the Faculty Senate annually, and communicate with other committees of the Faculty Senate and Institute as necessary.
  • Each standing committee will have a seat for at least one (1) representative from each of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, School of Nursing, and the School of Healthcare Leadership. Committee members shall be elected by the faculty eligible to vote for Senate members.
  • Each year the Nominating Committee shall inform the Faculty of the number of open committee positions, the qualification of the officers or Senate members to be elected each year and prepare a slate to be voted on in the spring election.
  • Faculty senators shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. Approximately one-third (1/3) of the Faculty Senate members shall be elected each year.
  • If a Senator vacates their senate seat prior to the term, the Faculty Chair in consultation with the committee chair, will appoint a member to serve until the next Senate election.
  • If a temporary committee vacancy occurs that affects the committee work, in consultation with the committee chair, the Faculty Chair will appoint a faculty member to serve until the end of the senate year. The committee member on leave will return to the same committee in the next senate year to complete their term. That member should inform the Faculty Chair in advance of their temporary leave and plan to return to the committee. If the senator cannot fulfill their full term, the Senate seat will be available in the upcoming Senate election.
  • Each standing committee shall function under an established set of Standing Rules approved by the Senate. Committee minutes and reports must be filed with the Clerk and be available to members of the Faculty. Minutes of meetings must be available within one (1) month after a meeting.
  • Each standing committee is required to submit a written annual report to the Faculty Senate at least 10 business days before the last Senate meeting. All annual reports will be posted for Faculty within 14 days of the last (June) Faculty Senate meeting. The Faculty Clerk will maintain and archive copies of the Standing Committee annual reports.