1.3 Program Personnel
A current listing of program personnel is available on the Online Prerequisites Faculty Directory. This section details the roles and responsibilities of program leadership.
Program Director
The Program Director maintains alignment between the program’s mission, vision, and operations and the IHP’s mission and core values. The Program Director ensures course offerings remain high quality and works with Team Leads to provide support and development opportunities to course instructors that maximize student learning. The Program Director is responsible for measuring program and course effectiveness to determine how the program serves student needs while engaging in best practices in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Program Manager
The Program Manager supports the Director’s mission and vision for the program in the daily operations of the program. The Program Manager serves as the direct contact for students in the prerequisite mailbox,
onlineprereqs@mghip.edu by providing accurate and clear responses to student queries.
Team Leads
Team Leads are faculty members who serve as supervisors over specific course groups. There are currently 3 team leads, one each for Science Lab courses, Health and Quantitative Studies Courses, and Communication Disorders Courses. Team Leads routinely check in with all instructors to ensure courses are high quality and continuously updated to maximize opportunities for student learning. Team Leads provide support when resolving student and instructor concerns and facilitate communication between faculty and the Program Director.
Application Mentor
The Application Mentor is available to students currently enrolled in prerequisite courses in the program. This individual can help students navigate the journey of applying to graduate schools. The Application Mentor can also collaborate with students and faculty to advise on academic circumstances that arise as they relate to future studies.