6. Personnel in Preclinical Phase of Program

Course Coordinators

Course Coordinators are program faculty responsible for the overall organization and delivery of assigned courses. Coordinators will ensure course and session learning objectives are met by creating and revising course content, collaborating with instructors with topic expertise, managing course logistics, and employing course assessments.


Term Lecturers

Term lecturers provide regular instruction during the preclinical phase of the Program, such as delivering large segments of a course


Adjunct Lecturers

Adjunct lecturers provide intermittent instruction during the preclinical phase of the Program in one or more areas of specific expertise.


Program Manager

The Program Manager provides logistical and administrative support for the Program and faculty.


Graduate/Teaching Assistants
Graduate and teaching assistants provide program administrative and teaching support. While students may serve in these roles within the program, they cannot at any time substitute for or act as instructional faculty