Exam Security Policy

Student Exam Security Policy

The following policy applies to individual closed book exams held on campus.

Exam Preparation

Students taking an exam must check in with the proctor and display photo identification.

Students must place all belongings away from the exam area. This may include placing belongings at the front of the classroom, on hooks, or in cubbies. This includes outerwear, backpacks, books, study materials, smart watches, smart glasses, phones, and any other electronic devices other than laptops. Provisions are made for religious/cultural dress.

During Exam

Students can have a computer, drink, and pen/pencil. Proctors will inspect bottles packaging. Proctors will provide scratch paper when all students are seated, materials put away, and ready for the exam. Students cannot use their own scratch paper for exams. Exam security software (Lockdown Browser at MGH IHP) must be installed on the computer used for testing and used during all computer-based exams.

When they are finished with the exam, students must show proctors that they have submitted it and turn in their scratch paper. If a student leaves the room without submitting an exam and completes the exam in a different location, their individual score will be changed to a zero, no retest will be permitted, and they will be referred to the Judicial Board.

Discussing Exam Questions

Exams are intended to be fair assessments of academic ability. Sharing exam information compromises the integrity of the exam for all students. This includes casually discussing a question with classmates.

If students post to any social media/website (i.e., Coursehero, Quizlet) during or after the exam with information about the exam or refer to exam content at any time, their individual score will be changed to a zero, no retest will be permitted, and they will be referred to the Judicial Board.

Exam Violations

When starting the exam, students agree not to engage in rule violations, including:

  • Obtaining, or attempting to obtain, improper access to the exam, or a part of the exam, or information about the exam.
  • Attempting to access any notes relating to the exam in or out of the testing room (e.g., bathroom, classmate in hallway).
  • Referring to, looking through, or working on any exam or section other than during the testing period in the specified exam administration location.
  • Accessing or attempting to access any prohibited aids or programs, including but not limited to web searches, artificial intelligence, and textbooks.
  • Accessing or trying to access a phone or electronic device during testing. Exceptions are made for health needs (e.g., glucometer.)
  • Having subject-related information written on your clothing, shoes, or body.
  • Leaving the testing room, building, or designated break area without permission and/or taking an extended break.
  • Copying the work of another student or other resources.
  • Attempting to give or get assistance, or otherwise communicate, through any means, with another person about the exam during the exam administration, including during breaks, and after the main exam session with any student who has not yet taken an exam.
  • Attempting to take the exam for someone else.
  • Creating a disturbance.

Consequences for Violating Security Policies

If students violate these rules, they will be asked to leave the exam room. They will not return, and their score will not be released. They will be immediately referred to the Judicial Board.