Faculty Affairs Committee

COMMITTEE CHARGE The purposes of this committee are to:

(A) Address matters that affect the responsibilities, rights, privileges, and wellbeing of Faculty at the individual and/or collective level. The committee may proactively develop supports and strategies for Faculty and/or serve as consultants on IHP and school initiatives aimed at supporting faculty including (but not limited to): professional development, teaching effectiveness, academic performance standards, workload, and morale and wellness. 

(B) Serve as an ad hoc Grievance Panel to resolve faculty conflicts according to the procedures specified in the Problem Resolution Procedure section of the Faculty Handbook. The committee may consult on and/or participate in the design, review, and/or implementation of hearing procedures related to Faculty grievances on a needed basis.

MEETING SCHEDULE The Faculty Affairs Committee will meet at least monthly to conduct committee business.


  • Committee members are responsible for identifying committee priorities each year to meet the charge of the committee.

  • Committee members must notify the committee chair if they are unable to attend meetings.

  • Committee members are responsible for identifying and implementing strategies to meet the identified priorities of the committee each year.

  • Committee members are responsible for reviewing material provided to them prior to meetings.

  • In instances of Faculty grievances, the committee members are responsible for initiating an ad hoc Grievance Panel comprised of some or all members of the Faculty Affairs committee and/or identify additional senator(s) to process the grievance (i.e., hold a hearing).

  • Ad hoc Grievance Panel members are responsible for deliberating after the hearing and making a decision as to the complaint filed.

  • Committee members are responsible for attending additional meetings to conduct general committee business.    


  • Schedule and convene all meetings

  • Assure appropriate representation from faculty for all initiatives.

  • Moderate faculty grievance hearings.

  • Moderate committee discussions post faculty grievance hearings.

  • Serve as liaison between the committee and the Chair of the Senate.

  • Forward outcome of faculty grievance hearings to the Provost and appropriate dean, chair, and faculty member.

  • File an annual report with the Clerk of the Senate at least 10 business days before the June faculty Senate meeting.

  • Convene meetings for committee business.

  • Assure agendas and notes of the meetings are maintained and submitted to the Senate Clerk in a timely manner. 

CONDUCT OF MEETINGS At the first meeting of the standing annual calendar year, the committee will select the Committee Chair. In addition to responsibilities related to Faculty Affairs in keeping with Institute policies, the Chair convenes and moderates meetings as needed to address committee business. Agenda items will be collected by the chair from all interested parties and distributed to committee members one (1) week prior to the meeting. Meetings will be conducted by presenting each agenda item for discussion. Each member will provide input to the agenda item under discussion, and decisions are made by consensus. Minutes will be recorded by an assigned individual and distributed to committee members for approval within two (2) weeks of the meeting. Approved minutes will be forwarded to the Clerk of the Senate.