Senate Rules

SECTION 1 The rules of procedure in the meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be those of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 2011. All motions, except as may be otherwise specified in these documents, shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast. Roll-call votes may be initiated only by the decision of the Faculty Chair or by a two-thirds majority of senators present and voting. The role of the Clerk, as Parliamentarian, is advisory only.

SECTION 2 The order of business and inclusion of specific items may be changed by the Reference Committee prior to any meeting.

  • Call to order
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Approval of minutes
  • Chair’s report
  • President’s announcements
  • Reports from the Provost’s office
  • Consent agenda
  • Review of Academic Council agenda
  • Reports of standing committees
  • Reports of special committees, task forces, and ad hoc groups
  • Old/unfinished business
  • New business
  • Comments and questions from the floor
  • Adjournment

The order of business may be changed by the Reference Committee prior to any meeting. Any or all items in this section may be suspended at any regular meeting of the Senate by a two-thirds vote of the members present, and at any special meeting by decision of the Faculty Chair.

SECTION 3 The Chair of the Faculty may convene special meetings of the Senate in addition to those specified. The order of business for any special meeting of the Senate shall be determined by the Chair of the Faculty.

SECTION 4 The Chair of the Faculty or a standing committee shall appoint ad hoc committees to consider subjects not already assigned to standing committees of the Senate or task forces to carry out a specific task related to the business of the Faculty. The term of an ad hoc committee shall be specified at the time the committee is formed. A task force shall be disbanded once its task is completed. Ad hoc committees and task forces shall file reports of actions taken with the Clerk for inclusion in the Senate annual report.

SECTION 5 To introduce new business, a Senator or other faculty member may address a communication to a specified committee or the Chair of the Faculty indicating the item of business that the senator wishes to be considered. This procedure represents the normal means for introducing new legislation. Committees and task forces discuss issues and create motions to be considered on the agenda. Additionally a senator may introduce, by a direct motion from the floor, new legislation that the senator considers to be of exceptional urgency.

(a) Only members of the Faculty Senate may introduce new legislative, advisory, and consultative business. 

(b) When speaking to any motion senators will be limited to two minutes of debate at a time.

  (c) The Faculty Chair will balance debate to assure all senators are heard and issues are fairly discussed to vet both the majority and minority opinions.

  (d) Amendments to published motions can be passed by a majority vote.

  (e) Any member of the Institute community not a member of the Senate may request the privilege of the floor on any item of business already before the Senate with majority vote from the Senate.

  (f) The Faculty Chair shall have the authority to place a time limit on the remarks of any nonmember of the Senate.

  (g) The rules of this Section may be suspended only by a three-fourths vote of the senators present.

SECTION 6 At the discretion of the Chair of the Faculty, any member of the Board of Trustees, Institute faculty, administration, student body, staff, or guest not a member of the Senate may be granted the privilege of the floor to make comments and recommendations for the Institute. Requests shall be made to the Chair of the faculty in writing at least five (5) calendar days before the meeting. The time period may be waived by the Chair.

SECTION 7 The Faculty Senate will entertain topics for discussion and input that are not yet the subject of any motion which may be directed to the Chair of the Faculty to be placed on the agenda. Such requests must be made to the Faculty Chair ten (10) business days prior to the Senate meeting. Topics must be defined with a title and summary rationale.

SECTION 8 Under the direction of the Clerk of the Senate, the Faculty Senate shall publish an official record (The Senate Record) of its proceedings within fourteen (14) days after each meeting, and making it accessible to the Faculty. This record shall contain:

(a) Agenda of the meeting

  (b) Minutes of the meeting

  (c) Documents distributed prior to and at the meeting

  (d) Such other items as the Faculty Chair shall direct

Copies of The Senate Record shall be deposited in the electronic archives of the Institute.


  (a) The elective year of the Faculty Senate shall begin with the installation of the new officers at the last regularly scheduled June faculty Senate meeting. Names of newly elected senators shall be reported to the Clerk of the Senate by the Nominating Committee once election results have been tabulated.

  (b) At any meeting of Faculty Senate, a petition may be presented to the Chair requesting that any senator or officer be removed from office for neglect of duty or misconduct in office. The petition must be signed by at least two (2) elected senators. The Senate after appropriate investigation and discussion shall vote whether the senator or officer shall be removed. A two-thirds majority vote shall be required for removal of the senator. In the case of the removal of the Faculty Chair, the Chair-Elect shall succeed immediately to the Chair. If the Chair-Elect or Clerk is removed, a new election will be held using regular procedures.

  (c) The Chair of the Faculty for the previous elected year shall preside at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate year until a successor shall have been duly installed.

  (d) At the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate year, announcement shall be made of the results of elections of Senate officers and senators for the upcoming year.

SECTION 10 The Clerk of the Senate shall record attendance and determine the presence of a quorum. Proxy votes are counted in the quorum. The clerk will announce the voting strength of the body as well as the number of proxy votes being carried. If quorum is not met and a vote is held outside of the Senate meeting time, the final tally will be reviewed by the Clerk at the next Faculty Senate meeting and entered into the minutes.

SECTION 11 Sessions of the Faculty Senate will be recorded to document, to obtain verbatim minutes, and to allow the business of the Senate to be available to all members of the Faculty. Recordings will be on file and available by request to the Clerk of the Senate. The Clerk is responsible for formulating written minutes and recording all actions taken by the Senate.

SECTION 12 The Standing Rules of the Senate may be amended by a majority vote and suspended by a 2/3 vote of the Senate (unless otherwise specified by the Section).