32. Grades and Performance Evaluation

Fieldwork courses required as part of the MS in GC degree are offered on a Pass/Fail basis.

These courses are:

  • GC661 Fieldwork I
  • GC662 Fieldwork II
  • GC663 Fieldwork III
  • GC664 Fieldwork IV
  • GC765 Fieldwork V
  • GC766 Fieldwork VI
  • GC767 Fieldwork VII

Fieldwork I and II include didactics and observational experiences. The learning objectives and assessments are detailed in the course syllabi. The final course grade is based upon the degree of completion of the assignments as outlined in the course syllabi, attendance at all scheduled observations, evaluation by fieldwork supervisors, and completion of required seminar/webinar, teaching, and advocacy/support group hours detailed in the course syllabi.

Fieldwork III-VII is participatory. The learning objectives are outlined in the course syllabus. The final course grade is based upon the fieldwork supervisor’s final evaluation which assesses the students’ ability to perform the Practice Based Competencies as defined by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC), the student’s completion of their Professional Development Plan, case logbook, a self-reflection, and evaluation of the site and supervisor, and completion of required seminar/webinar, teaching, and advocacy/support group hours detailed in the course syllabus.

Evaluation of Student Performance
Fieldwork I and II: Supervisor evaluation is based upon a Likert scale measuring metrics of professionalism (Ex. Timeliness, preparedness, and enthusiasm).

Fieldwork III-VII: Supervisors complete a midpoint and final evaluation, which are discussed with the student and reviewed by the DCE at the completion of each fieldwork rotation prior to issuing a grade.

Student Self-Assessment
Students complete a self-reflection for each participatory rotation.