9.2.5. Leave of Absence

Students who request and receive permission to leave the program temporarily due to personal reasons will also be required to file for a leave of absence. With the exception of clerkships, all courses in the program are offered once per academic year. Because the learning in the Program is cumulative and outcomes are competency-based, students who take a leave of absence will be required to audit courses and/or pass examinations in order to demonstrate adequate retention of knowledge and skills studied in the previous  coursework.  Requirements for returning to the program will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Student Development Committee and presented to the Program Director for final approval. All Leaves of Absence must be requested using the Institute’s Leave of Absence form. Please refer to the Institute's Current Catalog for Institute specific policies on leave of absence and withdrawal. IHP Leave of Absence Policy.

Students may request a leave of absence for up to one year for medical or personal issues that are interfering with their participation in the program.  Any student whose LOA extends beyond 180 calendar days in one year will be assigned a new status of "Leave of Absence/Withdrawn" for Financial Aid purposes. Any student in this category will be informed when this status change will happen and will be forwarded a link to a new reactivation form that will need to be completed when the student plans on returning. Once approved, the student will be reactivated and eligible to register for their returning semester.