26.2 Adequate Experiences

Students are expected to have a breadth and depth of experience that provides exposure to a range of patients and settings. It is the Program’s responsibility to ensure students have fieldwork experiences that provide access to the various required encounters. Students’ experiences are tracked using the E*Value system.

  1. A minimum of 50 participatory cases with a client (may include standardized patient, but not genetic counseling student role play, and/or research participant if providing clinical genetic counseling services in a research protocol) from a wide variety of clinical settings and service delivery models are required, reflecting students’ robust and evolving clinical involvement.
  2. Participatory cases focus on the development of the practice-based competencies (PBCs).
  3. At least 40 of the 50 participatory cases must be with individuals being evaluated for risk of or affected by diverse genetic conditions across the lifespan (i.e., non-standardized patients; not a research participant).
  4. The 50 participatory cases must be supervised by an experienced ABGC/ABMG/CAGC certified genetic counselor. All healthcare professionals including Board-certified medical geneticists may supervise non-participatory cases.
  5. Documentation of cases must also include the following information/categories:
    • Fieldwork name
    • Term and year of client encounter
    • Fieldwork supervisor
    • PBC(s) addressed
    • Type of practice setting (e.g., clinical, laboratory, research, industry, other)
    • Type of service delivery model (e.g., in person, telephone, telemedicine, group, other)
    • Type of client (e.g., standardized patient, non-standardized patient, healthcare provider, research participant)
    • Stage of lifecycle for the client (e.g., prenatal, pediatric, adult)
    • Primary indication/diagnosis