11.1. Attendance Requirements

Students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions in the preclinical and clinical phase of the Program. 

For all courses and scheduled sessions, students must notify the course coordinator by e-mail in advance if they are unable to attend class as outlined in section 11.2.

Consistent, timely attendance is considered one element of professional conduct. Chronic or unexcused absences (>1 per semester) or lateness (>3 per semester) may trigger a Notification of Concern and/or referral to the Student Development Committee for consideration of action based on Failure to Meet Professional Conduct Criteria (Section 10.6). Students are encouraged to speak with their faculty advisor if they are experiencing difficulty getting to class. 

Any contagious illness (such as COVID, influenza, etc.) requiring extended absences beyond 2 days will be subject to current Federal, State, and/or MGH Occupational Health protocols and guidelines and will require a medical note describing the length of absence and clearance to return to campus.