11.1.1. Preclinical Year Absence Policy

Faculty recognize that personal responsibilities may, on occasion, require a student to miss class. A student is permitted a single day planned absence per semester for personal reasons that do not fit the category of accepted absences outlined in section 11.1 and 11.2. Such absences are not intended to be “personal days”, nor should they be considered one “allowable” day off. In keeping with a student’s professional commitment and the Program’s requirement of class attendance, these absences should be a result of unavoidable conflicts with important personal commitments. Students will not be permitted to Zoom in to any class when taking a planned absence. Refer to section 12.2.1 regarding attendance policy for Readiness Assessment Tests (RAPs) and examinations.

Requests for a planned absence must be made at least two weeks in advance. Planned absences will not be approved on days that include any examinations. The student must complete the Request for Planned Absence form (see Appendix C), obtain permission from and signatures of the course coordinator for each class that will be missed, and then submit the form to their advisor. Students are responsible for all material covered on days that are missed for personal reasons. Refer to section 12.2.1 regarding attendance policy for RAPs and examinations.