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President’s Welcome
Annual Notice to Students
Accreditation Information
Section I: About the Institute
Section II: Schools and Academic Offerings
Section III Course Descriptions
DA - Data Analytics
HA - Healthcare Administration
HAH - Healthcare Administration - Multidisciplinary
HE - Health Professions Education
HP - Interprofessional
MLS - Medical Laboratory Sciences
SHL - Science Prerequisites
Section IV: Student Resources, Services, and Activities
Section V: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Section VI: Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
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Section III Course Descriptions
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DA 610 Analytics View of The Healthcare Ecosystem
DA 620 Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 620
DA 640 Ethics, Data Security & Regulation
DA 650 Data Literacy, Analysis
DA 720 Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 720
DA 730 Analyzing, Visualizing and Storytelling with Data
DA 810 Data Modeling for Health Care Analytics
DA 820 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
DA 821 Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 821
DA 822 Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 822
DA 823 Dynamic Healthcare Data Analytics Techniques & Methods: 823
DA 830 The Analytic Leader
DA 850A Application of Analytics
DA 850B Application of Analytics
HA 610N Healthcare Administration & Human Resource Management
HA 615N Financial Management in Healthcare
HA 620N Strategic Planning and Marketing in Healthcare
HA 625N Health Policy
HA 635N Organizational Behavior and Management Theory
HA 640N Quality Improvement in Healthcare
HA 645N Population Health Management
HA 700N1 Integrated Practicum
HA 700N2 Integrated Practicum
HAH 630N Healthcare Ethics and Law
HAH 650N JEDI in the Healthcare Environment
HAH 655N Interprofessional Leadership Development
HE 710 Health Professions Education Foundations
HE 711 HPED Leadership, Evaluation, and Innovation
HE 712 Foundations of Teaching and Learning
HE 713 Foundations of Educational Effectiveness
HE 714 Teaching Practicum
HE 715 Educational Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
HE 718 Lead with Emot Intell IP Teams
HE 720 Found of Sim Ed Operations
HE 721 Sim-Based Educ Technologies
HE 722 Assessment in Sim-Based Education
HE 725 Healthcare Simulation Research
HE 730 Assessment in Sim-Based Education
HE 733 Educational Principles Applied
HE 734 Distance Simulation Education
HE 741 Technology in Education
HE 742 HPEd Innovation Seminar
HE 743A Scholarship Seminar Year 1
HE 743B Scholarship Seminar Year 2
HE 743C Scholarship Seminar Year 3
HE 744 Research Methods in Health Professions Education
HE 746 Leadership and Organizational Change
HE 747 Health Professions Education Capstone Seminar
HE 760A Hlth Equity Data/Delivery Sci
HE 760B Hlth Equity Data/Delivery Sci
HE 780 Intro Quantitative Res Methods
HE 795 Scholarly Project in Health Professions Education
HE 801 Advanced Qualitative Methods
HE 802 Advanced Quantitative Methods & Measurement
HE 805 Sociology of HP Education
HE 806 Appl Imprv Sci to HPEd
HE 807 Systematic Reviews in Health Professions Education
HE 808 HPEd Leadership Personal Dev
HE 812 A Pathway Toward Mastery in Teaching and Learning
HE 812 Advanced Topics in Educational Effectiveness
HE 899 Independent Study
HE 901 Adv Qualitative Res HPEd
HE 902 Adv Stats Modeling HPEd
HE 906 Appl Impvmt Sci Sys Level HPEd
HE 920 Educ Theory & Implic for IPE
HE 921 Cognitive Science of Learning
HE 930 Predictive Analytics for HPEd
HE 931 Adv Assessment in HPEd
HE 942 PhD HPEd Innovations Seminar
HE 943 PhD HPEd School of TL Seminar
HE 945 Core Concepts for IPE Research
HE 946 Adv Topics Leadership HPEd
HE 947 Transforming IPE thr Eff Fb
HE 948 Educational Admin in HPEd
HE 949 Implementing IPE Research
HE 950 Advanced Appl Sim-Based Ed
HE 951 Sim-Based Ed Res Collaborative
HE 955 Cultural & Global Persp HPEd
HE 990 PHD - Independent Study
HE 991 Mentored Res 1 & Dissert Sem
HE 991A Mentored Res 1 & Dissert Sem1
HE 991B Mentored Res 1 & Dissert Sem2
HE 991C Mentored Res 1 & Dissert Sem3
HE 992 Mentored Res 2 & Dissert Sem
HE 992A Mentored Res 2 & Dissert Sem1
HE 992B Mentored Res 2 & Dissert Sem2
HE 992C Mentored Res 2 & Dissert Sem3
HE 993 Mentored Res 3 & Dissert Sem
HP 001 Power, Privilege, & Positionality
HP 101 Exploring Health Careers 1
HP 518 Community Impact Day
HP 717 Surv of Hlth Care Informatics
HP 719 Ehealth/Consumer Health Inform
HP 746 Ldrship and Org Change
HP 822 Living W/Death & Grief
HP 826 Immigrant and Refugee Health
HP 899 Independent Study
HP 999 Interprofessional Seminar
MLS 400 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science & Laboratory Practice
MLS 410 Clinical Immunology & Serology
MLS 413 Laboratory Management & Quality
MLS 431 Urinalysis & Body Fluids
MLS 440 Clinical Microbiology I
MLS 441 Clinical Microbiology II
MLS 450 Clinical Immunohematology
MLS 460 Clinical Practicum I: Clinical Hematology & Hemostasis
MLS 462 Immunohematology
MLS 463 Clinical Microbiology
HA&P1 456 Anatomy and Physiology 1
HA&P1 457 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lab
HA&P2 458 Anatomy and Physiology 2
HA&P2 459 Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lab
HBIO 450 Biology 1
HBIO 451 Biology 1 - Lab
HBIO 452 Biology 2
HBIO 453 Biology 2 - Lab
HBIO 454 Biochemistry
HCD 550 Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders
HCD 551 Phonetic Transcription and Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics
HCD 552 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Mechanism
HCD 553 Speech and Language Acquisition
HCD 554 Introduction to Audiology
HCD 555 Hearing Science
HCHEM 452 Introduction to Chemistry
HCHEM 453 General Chemistry 1
HCHEM 454 General Chemistry 2
HCHEM 454 Organic Chemistry 1
HEXPH 455 Exercise Physiology
HMBIO 454 Microbiology
HMBIO 455 Microbiology Lab
HNUTR 453 Nutrition
HPHYSIC 450 Physics 1
HPHYSIC 452 Physics 2
HPSYCH 450 Developmental Psychology
HPSYCH 452 Foundations of Psycopathology
HSTATS 451 Introductory Statistics
HSTATS 452 Statistical Computing in R
HGEN 461 Genetics
HWRIT 511 Writing 1: Introduction to Academic Writing