11.1 Formal Course Evaluations

Student input is sought anonymously on a formal basis at the mid-point and end of each term for evaluation of courses and course faculty.  A mid-point course evaluation is available anonymously within D2L and is available to the course instructor(s) and Program Director.  Class time is reserved for completion of this evaluation.  The final course evaluation is composed and distributed by the MGH Institute Office of Institutional Effectiveness and results are received by this same Office.  Data is subsequently shared with the course faculty and Program Director. Class time is also reserved for completion of this final course evaluation.  It is a student’s responsibility to complete appropriate evaluations for the course and instructors.  All standardized responses are anonymous and will be tallied into percent response.  This information is forwarded to the Program Director and specific course faculty.


Course evaluations are a key component of program evaluation and the accreditation process.  Responses are also used by program faculty as part of curriculum evaluation, to assess course effectiveness, and to guide revisions to courses and the overall Program.  Additionally, course evaluations are part of faculty assessment and included in faculty portfolios for reappointment and promotion. Final course evaluations are distributed by the MGH Institute and are only seen by course faculty once all grades are submitted and the semester is complete.  Mid-semester course evaluations are distributed by the Genetic Counseling Program and are available to faculty and the Program Director immediately so that they may adapt and integrate feedback into their courses while they are still occurring.  Feedback is anonymous; professional, constructive feedback will help guide improvements in the curriculum.