14.3 Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is rooted in ethical integrity. According to the Center for Academic Integrity, academic integrity is a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It is individual, organizational, institutional, and societal.  Academic integrity focuses on conduct that expresses itself in the classroom and other areas of professional practice. 

All Genetic Counseling students will be held accountable to the Academic Integrity policies detailed in the Institute Catalog.  As an institution preparing future health care professionals, the highest standards of ethical behavior are expected of all members of the Institute’s community.  As a critical component of this commitment, the Institute expects all faculty and students to adhere strictly to standards of academic and professional integrity. These are expressed through practices of intellectual honesty. Students have the obligation and responsibility to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable conduct relative to academic integrity.


Academic dishonesty is a serious form of misconduct that is subject to disciplinary action under the Student Guidelines for Conduct and includes the following: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, fraud, and facilitating academic dishonesty (collusion).  Any violations of academic integrity that result in a grading penalty or any other formal recommendation for academic or disciplinary action are reported by the faculty member to the Director of the student’s program. In the instance of an egregious violation or more than one offense, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal is at the discretion of the department. Violations of academic integrity are reported to the Dean of Students.  Students should refer to the full policy on Academic Integrity in the Institute Catalog or discuss the matter with the appropriate faculty member or faculty advisor.

Each year the MGH Institute compiles and publicly shares an Institute-wide report of violations related to academic integrity.  The full report can be found on the Institute website.

All new students must attest that they have read and understand this policy before the start of classes.  This is done by logging into one's IOnline account. After logging in, one can go to the student menu then look for the section labeled “Conditions of Enrollment”.  In this section is the link to the Academic Integrity Policy.  Read through the policy in detail and then check the box at the bottom indicating that the policy has been read and understood.