6.1 Overview

The Program Director will meet with each student individually during each semester, regularly communicating with students about their overall progress, individual educational needs, goals, and comfort level, successes, and any challenges with Team-Based Learning (TBL).  The Program Director will document this communication in writing and keep the running document within the student’s records.


Please see earlier sections 4.1 “Faculty Advisor” and 4.3 “Academic Support Services” related to additional student educational supports.


All students must receive a “B-“ or higher within each course and a “Pass” for each fieldwork experience in

order to continue progression through the Genetic Counseling Program. Per MGH Institute policy, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, assessed at the end of each semester. Per Program policy, students must achieve an individual course grade of B- (2.7) or better in each course and a “Pass” for each fieldwork experience. If these standards are not met, students will be placed on academic probation and are at risk of losing their financial aid and/or scholarships. Students on academic probation must regain a cumulative 3.0 GPA within the next semester in which full time study is resumed, or they will be subject to dismissal from the Program (please see earlier section 5 “Grading Policies”).


If remediation is necessary, the Program Director (in consultation with the instructor, supervisor, Director of Student Research, Director of Clinical Education, and/or Associate Director) will document the deficiencies identified, the agreed plan, and the outcome of the remediation. Any remediation may result in a delay of degree completion. The IHP Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures will be consulted in order to determine if a remediation plan is sufficient or if a student should be placed on probation. If a student has repeated poor performance, the Committee may recommend student dismissal. Documentation will be maintained for all students who withdraw or are dismissed from the program including reasons, retention efforts, and/or dismissal procedures followed.